Saturday, February 28, 2009

Marcel's Art: SEAHORSE

Thanks to Picture4Ever we have some professional shots of Marcel's artwork available (instead of relying on the ones I took, seen in the slideshow below, plagued with discoloration and glare). Over the next few weeks we'll explore each particular painting, up close and personal.
First up: Seahorse Bowl
In a previous post I mentioned that Marcel doesn't aim to infuse his paintings with a lot of his personal feelings.
Yet emotions do have a way of leaking through, sometimes in the most obvius way.
Check out the painting above - does that look like a red fist in the center of the abstract creation?
It is.
There's so much to say about this particular technique. Fisting, as I believe it is called, originated in the 1960s, when soluble artist quality acrylic paints became commercially available. Since then, the technique has evolved to include a number of paint application processes that use any portion of the body in leiu of a paintbrush or another tool. The most popular method in recent times, by far, is full body application.
What do you think of how the technique was used here?
- It's honest (the painting, not what I just wrote).
- It's raw.
- It's organic.
Frustrated artist indeed.
The original Seahorse Bowl is now available for purchase on Ebay!!! Please search for a Malinowski original :)